A Spirit of Simplicity

"Below is a written reflection from my recent visit to Death Valley National Park. This desert park has become a refuge for me and I've been blessed to experience many of the extremes that make Death Valley so wonderful. These are just subtle observations. Have you ever just sat down and recorded what you see? What you feel? The outcome of this observation can be incredibly insightful! Anyways, if you're reading this, I hope you enjoy."



The sun is rising. The colors that are painted upon the clouds scream for my attention, yet the bite of winter calls all the louder…

I sit in the same spot as before. The very same that made my skin damp with sweat, now lashes out in a bitter cold.

The warm coffee reignites this body that lay dormant, emerging from the cocoon. I’m only a particle within this wondrous world - full of mountains, valleys, oceans and streams.

May this call of simplicity humble my soul. May I desire only what I need. 

Why am I drawn into this double life?

I love the unfamiliar - a different point of view. My being is drawn into this reality; my spirit chases this freedom. 

Life is the finest work of art; a display of beauty in its most raw and rugged essence. A manifestation of the Artist of the universe.